Companies spend a lot on marketing. According to CMO Survey – Special COVID-19 Edition, marketing budgets now take up the highest percentage of companies’ revenue and budgets. This is true even as revenue and budgets have gotten smaller since the pandemic began. The fight for companies to get their share of rebound spending is real.
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Picture this: Your business has been humming along for 10 years. You have a sustainable base of customers, you receive good feedback on your products, and your social media following is slowly growing.
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As a small business owner it can be easy to forget that you are actually serving your clients and not the other way around. With marketing it can be just as easy to promote yourself (whether it be your services, products, knowledge, etc.) and miss a key component: What’s in it for them?
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As people living in a hectic, digitally-oriented world, we’re inundated with branding. But what exactly is a “brand”? It’s certainly long been part of our mainstream culture. Watch any episode of Mad Men and you’ll hear all about the importance of building a “corporate identity.”
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Brand equity is the value a well-known brand name brings to your company. Brands are an asset to your company, one which can increase in financial value over time. Your brand includes the name, logo, image, and attributes of your product or service.
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