In order to stay relevant and be part of the buzz, you need a strong, engaging, and consistent social media presence.
Statistics everywhere tell us that the amount of users online at any given time is growing. Also increasing is the amount of time they spend online per day, across all age groups.
Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat etc., are each growing as well, offering more and more apps, functions, and settings in order to expand their audiences and more deeply engage their followers.

And they’re doing more than just keeping in touch with friends—it’s gone way beyond that now. Social media is where they express opinions, promote ideas, recruit followers, and rally for causes.
Needless to say, if your brand is not active within the social media sphere, your competitors that are will get all the buzz—which directs traffic to their blogs, visits to their stores, subscribers to their email lists, and so on.
But simply being present and posting on social media isn’t enough. Just like joining conversations in the flesh, there are effective ways to do it as well as awkward attempts that make nary a splash in the pool of social currency.